Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Interesting information from your world literature books

We are starting on a new book genre on World Literature!

There are going to be many interesting topics dicussed in your novels. Please share your thoughts on the topics or questions you may have!


  1. Book: Our Secret

    My book is about a little girl who lives in Africa and is part of the Masai Tribe, one day, she goes berry picking in the forest, and she encounters a black rhino, she befriends it. She keeps the Rhino a secret because it is forbidden to first of all, go into the forest alone, and second of all, to even go near a black rhino, without hunting it.

    I find this book interesting so far because I've never really read books about Africa and the Masai because I was never interested, but now I realize that the book is very interesting.

    I think some of the questions I have so far are:
    What happens to the Rhino?
    Does anyone eventually find out?
    Does the rhino think the little girl is going to harm her?


  2. Book: Little cricket

    This book is about a girl name Kia Vang. She is 12 years old and live in Laotian village.

    So far this book talks about how the family believes in spirit and how her grandfather is such a good shamman in the village.

    It is also talking about how everyonr keeps on speaking about war and how they wish it would end.

    In chapter 2 it is mostly about Little Cricket(what her grandfather calls kai),Wa who is Kai's little cousin and her brother Xigi who is very good in drawing and never talks much.

    I think this book is good so far and I think it is going to be even more interesting.

    Questions I have right now are

    1/ Is there going to be a war in this story?
    2/ Could Kai's grandfather really perform this Hmong ceremony for this lady in the village who's soul had been frightened away by the poison of a snake?

    This book is about a boy called John Borne which lost his parents when he was 4 in a plane crash. Since then he lived with his grandparents. John had enjoyed a life there and he enjoys to do chores too!!!

    John and his grandfather are very close and almost do everything together. His grandfather likes to hunt deer in the deer season with him.

    John's grandfather has cancer for quite a long time and the doctors tried to help but when he was 13 his grandfather died. This caused misery to his grandmother and him.

    I think that this book refers to he past a lot about the things JOhn and his grandfather did together.

    I enjoy reading this book a lot and i predict that the book will get more exciting as i read along!!!!!

  4. Book: Frightful's mountain
    This book is about a peregrine falcon named Frightful.Sam Gribley took care of her until one day another group of people took her away and put her in a forest.

    Sam's sister set Frightful free, but Frightful cannot find the one mountain where Sam is.

    One of the most things I like in this book so far is the way Jean Craighead George (the author) is writing the story from the birds perspective.

    I think Sam Gribley and Frightful have a wonderful friendship because Frightful must be trying so hard to find the mountain where Sam is out of hundreds of mountains.

    I enjoy this book and I think it will get more interesting as I read on.

  5. My book's title is the Breadwinner.
    This book is about a family and a girl Parvana in Afganistan who at the time were in the rule of Afganistan. Girls were not allowed to go out of the house with out men. At one occasion her father was arrested and therefore they could not buy anything. Then Parvan has to become a boy and help support her family.

    They wait for a long time for their father to get released from jail but no look. In this book it shows how life is in Afganistan and about Parvana's life.

    I think this book was a very good book and one of the interesting books and I think everybody would like to read it too.

  6. My book is called The Wheel of Surya and it's about 2 indian kids name Marvinder and Jaspal who was seperated from their mother. So inorder to survive they must go to England to find their hardly known father.

    So far this book is interesting and sad becuase Marvinder became friends with a british girl name Edith and she has a twin brother and sister named Ralph and Grace. Ralph and Grace went with Jaspal to play and they were on this small boat. At the end of the chapter, they were talking about Ralph and Grace no in the boat and Jaspal sobbing. I think Ralph and Grace drowned and died.Edith's parent were so sad that they dicide to go back to England and send Edith to bording school for girls.

    Here are my question.

    Will Marvinder and Jaspal ever find his father?
    What will happen to Marvinder and Jaspal's mother?
    Will Edith ever come back to India?

  7. BOOK: Breadwinner

    This book is about a girl called Parvana she lives in Afganistan. At that time the was a very bad goverment in Afgan. The girls were not allowed to go to school.


  8. my book is called "a stone in my hand" and it is about a girl called Malaak abed atieh. She lives in Gaza city with her brother, sister, mother, and her pet bird that she feeds seeds when no one is looking.

    she doesn't go to school because the Israeli civil administration closed it so she waits for her father to come back home because no has seen him for a month.Then one day her mother tells her that he is missing and that she thinks the border patrols got him for no reason and stuck him in jail.she doesn't talk to anyone for 5 weeks and is either mad or sad.
    right now her brother is helping baricade with other men because they don't want the athourities to come

    my ?'s
    when the atourities se the barricade will they hurt the people building it?
    without her father making money for the family to survive off of what will they do?
    will she join her brother in the end and try to help stop corrupt people doing things?

  9. The current World Literature book I am reading is called 'The Pulled of the Ocean' by Jean-Claude Mourlevat.
    I have read three chapters of the book I have learnt that Yann's mother Marthe Dourtreleau's behavior towards Yann is pretty much like how Willie's mom treats Willie in Goodnight Mr Tom. She does not believe in him. He has six brothers, all of them are in three pairs of twins, and he is the only one. His mother wondered why he came alone. By 'She does not believe in him' I mean that she thinks that he acts like a genius, but she doesn't even consider the fact that he might be a genius. From what I've read so far she doesn't really like Yann.

    My Questions:
    Why doesn't Marthe like Yann when he's her true son?
    How does Yann feel being treated like this?
    Why does Marthe not believe in her son?

  10. The book i have read so far they have the perfect life and they see all these kids on the street. I think that the book is going to take a turn and that they will end up poor and on the street.

    "Quoted by Reuben Gray"

  11. By: Mannat

    My book is about a poor boy in South Africa. His name is Sipho. His luck is good so far. He stays with a couple of boys which are addicted to sniffing glue. They said that it would help him sleep at night so he tried some. He became warm and fuzzy and he falls off to sleep. The next morning a gang member tells him that it is bad to sniff glue because one of the old gang members died. They died because the damage the glue did to the lungs caused pneumonia! Will Sipho make the right choice and just buy a jacket, or will he get addicted to glue. I am going to find out by reading "No Turning Back."

  12. Sanjana:
    My book is called "Chanda's Secrets." It is about a girl who's dad is dead and her mother keeps on marrying as each husband keeps on dying. Her sister is also dead and people around her keep on dying. One man who her mom married also dies and she gets very curious. She is having a funeral for her dead sister.

    Some questions I have are:
    Does she know why people around her are dying?
    Whe does she get so fascinated by the toilet flush?
    Does she feel sad for her mother?
    Does she fear going to live on the streets as they are getting poor?

  13. My book is about 2 boys who are left behind in a desert and are trying to find the way out. One boy is a foreigner (Adam) who lives in the city and the other boy (Walid) is a camel jockey who was treated badly. The camel boy had been tied up and had been abandoned by his cruel owners. As for the town boy, he was left at the gas station during a war because he hid away from his neighbors and lied to them that he was going with his best friend. Adam wanted to get to his dog (Tara) who was left at the house as his neighbors and Adam escaped but it turned out that he didn't know the way and was nervous to talk to the gas station workers. So, he climbed over the gas station wall and fell on the ground. Adam then finds Walid, cut Walids ropes off and those 2 then go on a dangerous journey in the desert to find their way home by trying to communicate to each other in different languages.
