Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Goodnight Mr. Tom response questions

Please post your response to ONE of the questions from last class:

1.What were five words that you were unsure of their meaning from Goodnight Mr. Tom
2.What did it mean to be shell shocked during WWII
3.Who was Neville Chamberlin
4.Who was Winston Churchill?


  1. Horrific-horrible or scared
    Soothed-To make something calm
    Dreaded- dislikes or does not want something to happen
    Particular- a certain thing, purposely picked
    Extinguished-killed off or eliminated
    By mike

  2. My question that i answered is "What did it mean to be shell shocked during WWII?"
    My definition/answer is that to be shell shocked means you are suffering from shell shock. Shell shock means lost of sight, memory, etc resulting from strain during an engagement in a war or warfare.

    Justin 7E

  3. These are the five words, their meanings and which sentence they are from.

    1) Briskly- it means quickly and actively- the sentence is " She walked briskly away not daring to glance back at him."
    2)Inconspicuously- it means something that is not noticeable- the sentence is " Couldn't I sort of drape myself inconspicuously on a chair while he's devouring that lot?"
    3) Scarlet- it means a bright red color going towards orange- the sentence is " Will blushed scarlet."
    4) Puckered- it means to gather into wrinkles or irregular folds on the face- the sentence is " He began to relax a little and then the baby puckered up her mouth and made a small gurgling sound, then for o reason at all she screwed he reyes up and began to cry."
    5) Instinctively- it means from the nature of instinct- the sentence is " Instinctively she wanted Will to know what it was like to hold a warm, live child."

    By: Sanjana Srisakulchawla 7E

  4. Who was Neville Chamberlin??

    Arthur Neville Chamberlain was a British politician who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Chamberlain was best known for his signing of the Munich Agreement in 1938, conceding the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia to Nazi Germany.When Adolf Hitler continued his aggression, Britain declared war on Germany on 3 September 1939, and Chamberlain led Britain through the first eight months of World War II.

  5. 5 words i don't know

    inhabitats- A person that live in a place or occupies a place
    uttered- Making sounds using voice
    grange- A country house with a farm
    broad- having a space larger than usual
    Drape- wrap

    Aey 7E Red House

  6. My question is "what did it mean to be shell shocked during WWII" and I think shell shock is like a stress during the battle. The most common sympton are fatigue, slow reaction time,indecision, disconnection from one's surrounding's and inability. In WWI, Shell shocked was considered psychiatric illness resulting from injury to the nerve.

  7. Sir Winston Leonard Spence Churchill was a British politician and known for his leadership in World War 2. Then he served as a Prime Minister from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955. He was also an Officer in British Army, historian, writer and artist. He lived from 30th November 1878 to 24th January 1965.


  8. Sir Winston Leonard Spence Churchill was a British politician and known for his leadership in World War 2. Then he served as a Prime Minister from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955. He was also an Officer in British Army, historian, writer and artist. He lived from 30th November 1878 to 24th January 1965.


  9. Sir Winston Leonard Spence Churchill was a British politician and known for his leadership in World War 2. Then he served as a Prime Minister from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955. He was also an Officer in British Army, historian, writer and artist. He lived from 30th November 1878 to 24th January 1965.


  10. Sir Winston Leonard Spence Churchill was a British politician and known for his leadership in World War 2. Then he served as a Prime Minister from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955. He was also an Officer in British Army, historian, writer and artist. He lived from 30th November 1878 to 24th January 1965.

  11. Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill was a British Politician known chiefly for his leadership of the United Kingdom during World War 2.
    He served as Prime Minister from 1940to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955.
    Churchill was also an officer in the British Army, an historian, writer and artist.
    He is the only British Prime Minister to have received the Nobel Prize in literature, and the first person to be recognized as an Honorary Citizen (honored Citizen) of the United States.

  12. these are the 5 words which i choose..
    1.convalescent- adj. connected with convalescence
    2.deliberation- adv. the process of carefully considering or discussing
    3.out-stretched- adj. stretch as far as possible
    4.mesmerized- v. to have a strong effect on you that make you can't pay attention
    5.brisker- adj.quick, busy
    by jojo

  13. 5 words that I quite don't know or understand

    1.Hypodermic: A piston syringe that is fitted with a hypodermic needle for giving injections (A hollow needle)

    2 Scampered: Ran lightly and quickly (Fast)

    3 Devouring : To eat up greedily

    4 Inconconspicuous : Not prominent or readily noticeable.

    5 Earnestly : Something of value given by one person to another to bind a contract.

    By BenBen 7e

  14. My question is "what did it mean to be shell shocked during WWII", I think shell shocked ment a kind of stress or trauma caused by being exposed to shell fire and war. I also think it means to be upset ,exhausted or amazed from a stressful experience or trauma.

  15. 5 words I don't know

    Hypodermic - Neddle or Syringe
    Multitude - Large number of people or things
    Fatigue - Extrem tireness from illness
    Voluminous - Very loose or full (clothes)
    Furtively - Attempint to avoid notice or attention because of guilt


  16. Five New Word from Good Night Mr,Tom

    Hypodermic:Needle use for injecting drug into a person.
    Multitude:Large number of people or things.
    Vicarage:Vicar house.
    Fatigue:Grear Tiredness.
    Pram:Four wheel carriage for a baby, push by hands.

  17. five words from good night MR. tom
    Multitude: is a very large number of peopleo or an object (things)

    grange:a farm, with its farmhouse and nearby buildings.

    Inconspicuously: something noticeable

    Hypodermic:Needles, syringes and supplies for medical, Vets and lab profesionals

    Briskly- quickly

  18. Five words From "Good Night Mr.Tom"

    -Briskly- To move quickly

    -Thrust- To push some thing( I thrust the door open)

    -Abruptly- Suddenly or without warrning

    -Braces- Something that holds your trouses up by cliping from the front of your trousers, over your sholder, and cliping to the back of your trouser.

    -Despondently- Sadly, Miserable, disheartened, downhearted.

    Olivia :)

  19. Sir Winston was a famous british politician. Before he was a politician he worked for many other jobs and was very patriotic. He helped Britain s lot and soon became the prime minister of Britain. He was prime minister at the time when there was World war II. Under his rule Britain was winning many wars against germany and Churchill never gave up. he invented the "v" sign which means victory. When they won the war he got title as "sir" Winston Churchill. This great msn soon died at the age of 90.

  20. I chose 3 facts about winston churchill
    1.he had a sttuter
    2.his mother was the the daughter of a united states milionare
    3.he loved to painted and during his lifetime he made over 570 paintings

    by: Kai

  21. Five Words I wasn't quite sure of

    1. Deliberation - To carefully think of your options and see which option you decide to pick

    2. Abruptly - For something to happen suddenly on short notice or without warning.

    3. Briskly - For something to happen quickly

    4. Hypodermic - A type of needle used to inject a certain drug to a person.

    5. Multitude - Many (people or things)

  22. By: Kavi
    Shell Shocked
    To be shell shocked means you are suffering from it, it means lost of sight memory etc. resulting from a warfare.

  23. By: Mannat

    Shell shocked is when one is is facing the consequences of exposure of stressful psychological difficulties such as flash-backs nightmares and sleep abnormalities.
    Bibliography: http://www.knowledgerush.com/kr/encyclopedia/Shell-shock/

  24. Shell-shocked in World War 2 is when you are affected by the bombs' radiations. I think that it may affect you mentally even without a scratch on your body caused by being shell-shocked.

  25. Shell-shocked in World War 2 is when you are hit by a bomb's radiation. You can't see any physical injuries caused by it but this effects you mentally.

  26. Combat stress reaction or more commonly known as shell shocked, is a military term used to categorize a range of behaviours resulting from the stress of battle which decrease the combatant's fighting efficiency. The most common symptoms are fatigue, slower reaction times, indecision, disconnection from one's surroundings, and inability to prioritize.
