Friday, March 26, 2010

Movie vs. Book

After viewing the GoodNight Mr. Tom movie, choose two things you noticed where different between what the author explains and what the movie reveals. Explain in 4 to 5 sentences which description you prefered and why.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Goodnight Mr. Tom response questions

Please post your response to ONE of the questions from last class:

1.What were five words that you were unsure of their meaning from Goodnight Mr. Tom
2.What did it mean to be shell shocked during WWII
3.Who was Neville Chamberlin
4.Who was Winston Churchill?

Interesting information from your world literature books

We are starting on a new book genre on World Literature!

There are going to be many interesting topics dicussed in your novels. Please share your thoughts on the topics or questions you may have!